📄️ Intro
Linked Data with LINCD.js
📄️ Enter Linked Data
Now that you have set up your app, let's start playing around! Specifically, let's play with Linked Data.
📄️ Adding Literals
In the next steps we will build an interface that allows you to:
📄️ Connecting nodes
Now that we have a list of people, let's make it possible to connect any of those people as friends.
📄️ Introducing ontologies
So far you've created the properties like hasFriend and hasName your self. However, Linked Data is all about linking data across different environments, thus virtually creating one global graph database.
📄️ Introducing Shapes
LINCD introduces Shapes to make writing and accessing data from the graph easier. Shapes also help with data validation.
📄️ Storage
Until now, our app has been creating nodes and connections between those nodes in a graph, but after every page refresh our data is cleared.